Our aquarium dry fish foods categories as slow Sinking Granules, Floating Pellets, Marine Fish Food, Sinking Sticks, which suits to all types of tropical / ornamental fish varieties. Our fish food formula is complete with all nutrional requirement of pet fish so they grow healthy, grow maximum size, develop good vibrant colour, live long, very strong immune system, & became a excellent brood stock.

  • - Balanced nutritional formula
  • - Perfect for everyday feeding
  • - Promotes resistance to disease

Some ingredients we use
Goat Heart, Shrimp, Prawns, Fish Meal, Squid Meal, Garlic, Spirulina, Fish Oil, Omega 3, D'Grow (Multi Vitamins & Multi Minerals Growth Blend), B complex etc.

How to use
If season is warm, feed 2-4 times daily in small quantity. When season is cool & water temperature is down feed 1-2 times daily in small quantity. Please do not exceed the amount your fish will eat within 3 - 5 minutes of feeding. Remove all remaining food after the feeding period to avoid over-feeding and that way your water quality also get manintained.