If you want happy and healthy pond fish, you need to be feeding a best pond fish food. V Aquaria Premium Pond Fish Food Small Pellets are formulated for everyday use and provide your pond fish with the nutrition they need to thrive at an affordable price. The floating pellets contain quality ingredients and are scientifically formulated for all pond fish, including koi and goldfish. Our fish food will not break apart during feeding, helping to maintain clear water conditions.

- Floating pellet allows easy monitoring of amount eaten.
- Helps eliminate over-feeding.
- Superior quality with high water stability.
- More Economical.
- Good in palatability & digestibility.
- Ensure higher & faster growth.
- Less water pollution and minimum ammonia.

Some ingredients we use
Fish Meal, Fish Oil, Soyabean Meal, Squid Meal, Krill Meal, Wheat Foor, Shrimp Meal, Vitamins & Minerals

How to use
- Feed as much as fish will completely consume within three minutes.
- Feed up to three times daily.
- When feeding, sprinkle pond food in the same area of pond. Your fish will quickly learn to come to the same spot, helping to reduce uneaten food. We recommend that you use a small feeding device like a measuring scoop. You will quickly learn the optimum amount to feed.